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Command Line Guide – The sequence options & the store options

This is part two of the series of articles by our new writer Alex. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in our FAQ! 2.1 The sequence options Assign sequence 1 /track=on /CueZero=off= /cuezeroextract=off /releasefirststep=on /info=“text“ /track=on – here on/off is possible. This will set tracking to on or off. /cuezero=off – [...]

Command Line Guide – The sequence options & the store options2013-06-09T02:55:57+10:00

Macro Fun

Hi Guys, here is a short overview on Macros. What is a Macro? A Macro is an automated process running cmd line entries. What could I use a Macro for? You could use a Macro for everything, that you will have to do very often. (e.g. store a cue list for your spot positions, save [...]

Macro Fun2013-06-03T18:35:28+10:00

Command Line Guide – The Assign options

Console Training is pleased to announce we have a new staff writer called Alex, He has a lot of experience with MA and has offered to share some advanced tips with you start with series on the Command Line! The Macro guide will follow this week. Hello everybody, Here's an overview that should help you with the [...]

Command Line Guide – The Assign options2013-06-02T02:45:09+10:00