Console Training is pleased to announce we have a new staff writer called Alex, He has a lot of experience with MA and has offered to share some advanced tips with you start with series on the Command Line!
The Macro guide will follow this week.

Hello everybody,
Here’s an overview that should help you with the command line on MA2. This is a short summary about the assign options and the sequence options via the command line. 

Some of the options of the assign menu will be set with the keyword sequence, so don´t be embarrassed if things like tracking do not appear in the assign part of this summary.

So, if you have any questions feel free to send it via our FAQ

In general: the syntax is (nearly) always the same – (Function keyword)

[object keyword] {/options}.

Assign exec x.y /autostomp=on /autostart=off /autostop=off /ooo=on /swopprotect=off /killprotect=off
/width=2 /autofix=off /softltp=off /restart=current /wrap=on /crossfade=off /chaser=off /priority=normal
/prepos=off /effectspeed=off /autogo=off /mibnever=off /mibalways=on /triggerisgo=off /cmddisable=off
/speed=65535 /speedmaster=speed1 /ratemaster=rate_individual
These are all the possible options for one exec.
I´ll try to make it easier for you and will explain it step by step and menu part by menu part.
Assign Menu:
/width=1 – here is 1 to 5 possible. This will set the executor width from 1 to 5. The default settings of
the executor will be set.

Options part: „Start“
/autostomp=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Autostomp“ to on or off.
/autostart=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Autostart“ to on or off.
/autostop=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Autostop“ to on or off.
/autofix=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „autofix“ to on or off.

Options part: „Playback“
/priority=normal – here is normal/swap/htp/hight/ltp/low possible. Normal will set the priority to LTP,
Swap to swp, hight to high, htp to htp, low to low.
/softltp=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „softltp“ to on or off.
/restart=current – here is current/first/next possible. Current will set the option „restart“ to current cue,
first to first cue, next to next cue.
/wrap=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „wrap around“ to on or off.
/triggerisgo=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „trigger is go“ to on or off.
/cmddisable=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „CMD Disable“ to on or off.

Options part „X-Fade“
/crossfade=on – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Crossfade“ from Split X Fade (OFF) to AB
Fade (ON).

Options part „Speed“
/speedmaster=speed_individual – here is speed_individual/speed1 till speed15/BPM possible. This will
set the speedmaster from 1 to 15 or to individual. BPM will set the Speedmaster to BPM.
/speed=Normal – here is Mul32/Mul16/Mul8/Mul4/Mul2/Normal/65535/65534/65533/65532/65531
This will set the speed factor to Mul 32, Mul 16, Mul 8, Mul 2, Normal, Div 2 (65535), Div 4 (65534), Div 8
(65533), Div 16 (65532) and Div 32 (65531).
Please, don´t ask me, why div 2 is 65535 and mul 2 is mul2 – i don´t know it – this question is perfect for 😉
/ratemaster=rate_individual – here is rate_individual/rate1 to rate15 possible. This will set the rate to
individual or to the ratemaster 1 to 15.
/effectspeed=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Link Effect to rate“ to on or off.

Options part: „Protect“
/ooo=on – here is on/off possible. This will set Off/on Overwritten to on or off.
/swopprotect=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „swopprotect“ to on or off.
/killprotect=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „killprotect“ to on or off.

Options part: „MIB“
Attention! Some of this options are only possible if tracking is set to on!
/mibalways=on – here off/on is possible. This will set the option „MIBAlways“ to on or off.
/mibnever=off – here off/on is possible. This will set the option „MIBNever“ to on or off.
/prepos=on – here on/off is possible. This will set the option „Auto PrePos“ to on or off.
Option part: „Function“
/chaser=off – here is on/off possible. This will set the option „Chaser“ to on or off.

We will be posting the next chapter in this three part series early next week. There is also a downloadable PDF of this lesson available [download id=”8″]