Here’s the MAnual for the storage of Effects in a Preset.
At the end I´ll give you a short overview about the advantages compared to Effect Templates.
Let´s go.
1.) How to store an effect in a Preset?
That´s pretty easy. Just make sure, that the effect values are active in the programmer.
Press the store button and a preset in the pool.
Of course the preset filter is valid! This means, that you can only store an position effect in the
position preset pool, a dimmer effect in the dimmer pool, and so on.
2.) What are the advantages?
First of all, you have to understand, what an effect template does.
Some of you are wondering about this:
you use an effect template to store an effect in a cue – if you change the template
(e.g. another grouping), all cues using this template are changing as well.
Because the effect id (e.g. Effect 1) & the selection is stored in the cue.
If you use a preset with effect values, it will behave like this:
All values are stored in the cue, not the link to the preset.
So you can change the effect values and store the changed effect in a new cue, and the old cue
will behave as always.

One example:
You´ve got a circle in 2 groups stored in your position preset.
You select a group and call the preset.
You store it in cue 1 – this will it be like: Pan/tilt: Effect form sin/cos

{if you use an effect template, there would be written “Effect x“}
After that you clear the programmer, change the effect grouping to 4 groups.
You update the preset.
You select a group, call the preset & store it to cue 2.
Cue 1 will not be changed…
Happy programming,
Alex P
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